Morning Routines
EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM As the title suggests, the best time to activate energy systems, focus the mind and strengthen the body for whatever the day may bring, is a period shortly after waking, early in the morning. Robin Sharma's 5am Club was first introduced to me back in 2014. It was discovered at a pivotal moment in time, when the effects of burning a candle at both ends were becoming increasingly apparent, with diminished energy levels, failing health and reduced mental acuity. Up until that moment, the relied upon adage 'work hard - play hard' system, had been the favoured mantra repeated throughout 20's and 30's. Evidently, moving past 40, the 'bounce back' wasn't proving to be quite as effective any more, so it was definitely the right time for lifestyle and mindset changes. This step, propelled me onwards, to a a year of dedicated mindfulness , is the seat of my newfound knowledge and reason both my partner and I are developing along an...