The iChing Change


Life is a magical mystery tour with many twists and turns along the way. Our greatest wisdom, can be attained through learning which paths lead us towards the most successful outcomes. 

First, as the ancient greek philosophers pointed out (literally written in stone), we need to 'know thyself' – which in itself, is the most difficult quest of all. Our passions, our preferences and general outlook on life, are constantly changing. How can we truly 'know' the person in the mirror?

Firstly, we have to break the chains of self deceipt. Dr Robert Trivers has worked diligently over 40 years, attempting to understand the logic and role of deceipt in human life. Just 14 minutes in to this video, Robert's research concludes that the 'truth' is in our subconscious mind. Increasingly often, it's the lies we display consciously, protected via our 'Ego, in order to avoid detection by an observer and potential rival. So adapt have we become at 'armouring' ourselves with self-deceipt, that according to Dr Wilhelm Reich, we build up neurosis over time, which can manifest mentally/physically in the body as a kind of stiffness or stagnation of energy. Inadvertently, as we protect ourselves, we become trapped in a false perception of who we are, what we want, where we want to go – and travel the wrong paths in life.

'Armouring' reduces our creative capacity, our natural
expression of our unique Self.

To fully understand how we deceive ourselves, we need to invest quality time in facing-up to the shocking truth that our biggest enemy, can be ourselvesDr Kahneman's work and his book 'Thinking fast, and slow', highlights how our thinking brains work against us. Honing our perception & awareness capabilities, will grant us greater intuition expertise, utilised in providing us with pre-thought solutions to avoid risks. Intuition is merely recognition. We identify a dog, we pick up on the dog's body language and movements to interpret if dog is a threat. All happening in an instant. The same way we identify our environment to report back findings to the thinking brain, is also how we often lazily answer complex questions, which need applied thinking. The two systems of the brain - type 1 (fast) and type 2 (slow) are activated. Because 'Type 2 system' taxes up valuable brain bandwidth, 'Type 1 system' thinking is most often unconsciously activated for efficiently allowing multiple functions to be carried out at the same time. Without pausing, reasoning or properly weighing-up the information, our 'type 2 system' thinking brain is bypassed. Worse still – when there's a threat to our health/wellbeing, the fear factor removes us from the situation altogether (physically and mentally) so we shut down rational thought pathways. Therefore, even when our perception picks-up something wrong, or demands greater thinking attention, we have systems to shut down the dialogue and move on. When we hide deeply buried and protected truths about ourselves, from ourselves, this is also termed cognitive dissonance.

Lifting The Veil
So now we understand what we are really up against, what better way to see past the veil, to explore the riddles and mysteries of life, than by using Tarot cards.

Cards, Charts & Readings
Many believe the Tarot is nothing more than mystical clap-trap and that's where they are wrong! It's this same kind of closed-minded lazy thinking, which restricts folks in to the postage-stamp reality they themselves are creating. Tarot is in-effect, like holding up a mirror. Facing these cards and to clarify their meaning, encourages the reader to creatively interpret significance from what the cards represent. And because as we already established above, our subconscious mind holds the truth about who we really are, this card reading exercise is a great way to get to know yourself and whoever else's cards you’re reading. 

Tarot is a fortune-telling system that originated around the 15th century and earlier origins of the Tarot are said to be from ancient Egypt. Whatever the true past of these cards is, this divination system became popular at the end of the 19th and early 20th century, with occultist adventurers coming to the fore, such as Helena Blavatsky, Dion Fortune and the infamous Aliester Crowley, Tarot has now become a widely used method of self-discovery for everyone to try.

There are seventy-eight cards in a Tarot deck. Divided in to two parts, – twenty-two Major Arcana and the 56 Minor Arcana. Arcana stems from the Latin arcanum, which translates as 'a secret or mystery' .

The Major Arcana cards, symbolise significant events and situations, as well as bridging the space between 'the seen' physical and 'unseen' metaphysical planes. The Major Arcana cards hold more powerful significance in a reading as they represent greater transformations, whereas the Minor Arcana are more concerned with the day-to-day life and situations.

Once we get to know the cards and the different energies, we can use their power to unlock our subconscious to see where our paths are and are could be leading us. The Tarot can be bizarrely accurate and potentially alarming. The best way to see them, is as a tool for identifying hidden thoughts, concerns and potential outcomes – if we don't pay head to any warnings being flagged in our readings. Ultimately, once we've become more accustomed to doing a reading, can easily remember and interpret the different meanings of the cards, its our belief in the card's effectiveness, that will greatly determine the Tarot's usefulness.

There's two main card decks used today, the Rider-Waite-Smith being most widely used and the Thoth Tarot deck which Aleister Crowley created with Lady Frieda Harris. There are many different illustrated version of these card systems to choose from. 

Before we embark on a reading, we need to first 'charge' the cards with our 'energetic influence'. Electro-magnetic fields help us bind to the cards. Getting close to the cards, by having near in our pocket and through touching and shuffling the cards – never allowing anyone else to interfere with them, is said to improve the reader's ability for divination! There's many different ways to use the cards. Below are a few ideas.

Basic Tarot Card Readings For Beginners
These quick card reading exercises can help the reader receive guidance and to make considered decisions. First shuffle the pack and either fan out the cards or select those that 'feels right'.

1 Card Readings
– Energy of the day
– Gratitude
– What can I embody

2 Card Readings
– Release / Receive
– Doing well / doing better
– Do this / Don’t do this

3 Card Readings
– Within / Without / Advice – 
(internal emotions. What’s being thrown at me. Advice)
– You / Me / We
(What’s going on for them, me and how do we come together)
– Week ahead reading
(General things coming up to consider)
– Past / Present / Future
(What’s been going on to get to this point plus where heading - and what likely could be happening)
– Pro / Con / Advice
(Benefits, the bits to watch out for and best action advice)
– To Expect / Do / Outcome
(Preparation and grounding for unfamiliar situations - what we can focus on to do and likely outcome to expect)
– Think / Say / Do
(What do I need to be aware of and thinking - how do I say and what words - what do I realistically need to do

4-5 card spread
Earth: Finances, resources or living spaces. 
Air: Mental space and health, 
Fire: passions, activity and creative pursuits. 

Water: Emotional realm, connections, love & relationships. 

5 card Elemental spread
As 4 card reading above with 5th card embodying spirit or holistic view and advice.

Complex Card Reading 
There's many different card reading spreads to try. One of the most common is the Celtic Cross. These spreads can be a little tricky to navigate when you're first starting out, but can be the most insightful and rewarding. Best time to do these is when you have a clear window for time and refection. Keeping a diary of the readings helps you to see how progress is going and to observe where the cards have been most helpful to you.
10 & 18 card Celtic Cross
Two slightly different layouts but with equally effective means for divination.

1 The Present / The Self
This position reveals the current situation, and what is now happening. It can also be used to represent what the current state of mind is for the querent and a snapshot of who the querent is at the current moment in time.
2 The Problem 
This card represents the challenge that the querent is facing at this time, something that they need to resolve in order to make progress forward.
3 The Past
Here we see the the past events, and also how they have shaped the current situation. This can give us some information on influences in the past that have lead up to this state of affairs.
4 The Future
This card represents what could be a likely turn of events, given that nothing changes. These are usually short term happenings, and doesn’t represent the final resolution of these events.
5 Conscious
This card explores what you are focused on, and where your mind is. This can represent your goals and your desires regarding this situation, as well as what your assumptions are.
6 Unconscious
The unconscious reveals what is truly driving this situation; the feelings, the beliefs and the values that perhaps the querent doesn’t even understand yet. Sometimes this card may be a surprise, and can also represent a hidden influence.
7 Your Influence
This card can be interpreted somewhat broadly - but in general, relates to how you see yourself, and how that perception can influence how this situation plays out. What beliefs about yourself do you carry? Do you expand yourself, or limit yourself?
8 External Influence
This card represents the world around you and how it affects this situation. It may represent the social and emotional environment that you are operating in, as well as how others perceive you.
9 Hopes and Fears 
One of the harder positions in this spread to decode, this card can represent both what you secretly desire, as well as what you may be trying to avoid. Human nature is often paradoxical, and what we fear the most is sometimes what we also truly have been hoping for all along.
10 Outcome
This card is meant to be a summary of all the previous cards. Given all that is happening, what is the likely resolution of this event? Should you find a card here that does not have a favourable outcome, you can analyse the remainder of the spread to find another course of action.

Embarking On The Fools Journey
Whichever method one chooses for inward enquiry, understanding a bit more about ourselves – our drives and motivations – whatever the questions we ask, will ultimately be answered in some way that can help us find meaning in our lives, with integrity and with a little fun along the way.

There's many other forms of divination out there to try. Similar answers to reflective questions can be attained using the ancient Chinese i-ching and just as effective for predicting possible future outcomes. In psychology, the Rorschach InkBlot Test has been a controversial way of drawing our hidden subconscious thoughts and feelings in to the light. Enjoy :)

Diary of A Tarot Adventurer
What follows is a diary of my own tarot reading. Here is my first Celtic Cross, read on Wednesday 7th October 2020, with some potential meaning divined from the reading, based on current events.

1 Me and my situation right now
– Page of pentacles – Earth. Physical. Money, home, career and possessions.
Supportive, considerate, dreamer and visionary for ideas and potential.
• Grounded and introverted - thoughtful about decisions before making decisions.
2 What crosses / affects the situation right now
– Seven of wands Fire – Inspiration, creativity and connection to the universe.
Listening to the inner intelligent messages to manifest desires, fire up passions and realise dreams
• Self reliance, success, courage and inner strength. No need to fight. I’ve got this! Trust my truth – it's essential.
3 The potential of the growth
– Nine of pentacles (reversed) – Long term stability, health and happiness.
A comfortable and stable home.
• WARNING! A loss or setback that could have been avoided. Take care of health, risk aversion, don’t miss this interview! Don’t mess up with the house renovations.
4 Outcome of the potential
– Knight of Swords – Determined, ambitious, capable, energetic and action required.
The initial momentum for a new idea or venture. A person who’s native and impulsive.
• CAUTION: Be aware of the small print and check with the experts first.

5. Where the foundation came from
– Nine of pentacles – Darkness, anxiety, depression, nightmares, sadness.
 The tree from where the seed blew.
• Uncomfortable feelings from memories - anguish, anxiety from purging the unpleasant feelings to find healing at last.
6. Where the future lies
– Three of swords – Heartbreak, sadness, hurt, harmful emotional ties and betrayal.
This card is the future cycle of growth.
• The card of heartbreak, warning of romantic entanglements that will end in pain. 
7,8,9 A deeper look at the self from the 6th card future cycle.
Five of Wands (reversed), King of Cups, Judgement (reversed)
– Five of wands is competition, delays, fighting, confusion and lack of direction. CAUtION: don’t get caught up in the drama that’s not of my making, make a stand for my needs too.
– King of Cups (emotions and intuition signs. for love and friendship.) Loyal, loving, devoted, protective and fierce. Most intuitive of the Kings! Connected to head and heart. A time of intense psychic connection and manifestation. (could this be related to what’s going on with Ascension and Great Conjecture climax?)
– Judgement (reversed) Transformation, ending, reawakening and shifts! My judgment may be off.
• Careful with the builders, the work required, the insurance pushing, getting this job secured and being in risky situations, with has caused me to miss out on an opportunity. Listen and learn from intuitions!
10,11,12 Deeper look at the environment
Nine of Cups (reversed), Ace of Pentacles (reversed), The Hanged Man (reversed)
– Nine of wands (reversed) Fulfillment, wishes, kindness, abundance, satisfaction
Feeling unfulfilled or like there’s something missing.
– Ace of pentacles (reversed) Prosperous new beginnings, triumph and financial growth.
• CAUTION: Overwhelming/burnout from taking on too much; now is not the time to start something new.
– The hanged man (reversed) Shift in perspective, change, letting go and sacrifice. My perspective may be holding me back. If I’m overly attached to a situation, I should try letting it go.
13, 14, 15 The subconscious - what messages I am sending to the universe
For of wands, King of Pentacles (reversed) The Moon (reversed)
– Four of wands. Manifestation, celebration, joy, harmony, awareness and inner vision.
• An alternative approach to the situation is needed, utilising my personal talents.
– King of Pentacles. Steady, grounded, loyal and family-orientated. could be representative of a possessive, authoritative person. Requires stillness in nature.
• Get out on the bike. Not at the top of my game.
– The Moon The subconscious, intuition, dreams, shadows and deception. I may be able to see truths and aspects of a situation that I couldn’t before.
16, 17, 18 The result of messages being sent into the universe
Three of wands, Three of pentacles, Queen of cups (reversed)
– Three of Wands
Self-reliance, inspiration, vision and expanding horizons
A homage to my own power - trusting in my abilities, power and success.
• Looking and planning before acting.
– Four of Pentacles. Possession, ownership, control and unexpected opposition. Being too rigid and attached to the physical realm as a source of happiness, as well as being stingy
– Queen of cups (reversed)
Psychic, healing, introspective, loving, careful and thoughtful. Someone who’s overly emotional and empathic, picking up on other people’s energies unknowingly.
• A need to rekindle creative energy.
I'll be keeping an ongoing record of my Tarot readings and update here when I find something worth sharing.


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